Green Hills Direct Family Care patients enjoy unrestricted office visits, personal communication via phone, e-mail, text, and much more. To learn more about member benefits click the link below.
Read moreBelow are our normal operating hours. Please call us at 610-530-9155 to request information or schedule an appointment. Our office space is now ADA compliant!
Please text or email after hours and on weekends for emergency issues. All non-emergency issues will be returned within 1-2 business days.
How does this work? No insurance? What about Medicare? Click here to become more familiar with the Direct Primary Care model Green Hills Direct Family Care offers.
Read moreGreen Hills Direct Family Care operates as a Direct Primary Care practice. It’s a new approach to medicine. So, how is it different?
Did you know that most Primary Care Physicians have between 2,500-3,500 patients? Dr. Corba will limit her practice to 400 patients. This means that she can spend more time with you when you need her. It also means that when she is not actively seeing a patient, she is able to coordinate your care and research the latest advances in treatments. Your well-being is Dr. Corba’s priority, and the reason for why she does what she does.
Green Hills Direct Family Care does not accept insurance so you won’t have a middle-man in your primary care. Decisions about your healthcare will be made by you and Dr. Corba, without the impersonal management that inevitably comes from third-party payers. Instead, patients pay a monthly membership fee which can save money and lead to better treatment.
If you have any questions about how your existing policy will work with DPC or are an employer looking for other healthcare options, please contact our Medicare/individual policy specialist or our employer/self-funded expert:
Donna Beach
Integrated Insurance Group, LLC 6103922604
Email: donnabeach.iig@aol.com
George Claassen
Class Insurance
Phone: 978-836-6745
NEW VALUE-ADD FOR OUR PATIENTS – GHDFC is thrilled to be the first DPC practice in the US to be able to provide validated generic medications to our patients at wholesale prices from Valisure.
As the only analytical pharmacy in the world, Valisure batch-tests medications for correct dosages, identifies major active and inactive ingredients, ensures proper dissolution (how the medication dissolves in the body), and analyzes for the presence of common carcinogens such as NDMA.
Read about how Valisure safeguards the prescriptions that you and your family use every day, here.
Signing up with Green Hills Direct Family Care is extremely easy. If you are interested in membership, please call 610-530-9155 during office hours.
Green Hills Direct Family Care has established a straight-forward, tiered payment solution for our patients to receive healthcare that is affordable, accessible and attentive. A detailed list of member fees and procedure costs is available here.
We have negotiated the very best wholesale lab and radiology prices for all labs that we must send outside our office as well as wholesale generic medications we dispense in our office. Those savings are passed directly on to our patients.
Literally. After hours, weekends, holidays – there is no bad time to reach out for acute issues.
You won’t feel rushed through an appointment, and there’s never a question you won’t have time to ask. Part of the relationship you’ll build with your doctor is based on your understanding of your care. Now that’s what we call personal healthcare.
Because we have reserved our time for a smaller panel of patients, there will be no “squeezing you in.” You are a priority, and you’ll feel like one. We will do everything in our power to get you into the office the same day or next day for acute issues when you need care.
You’ll be able to reach us and your medical information via internet, webcam, email and text.
This exam will be fitted to your personal medical needs. It’s all about you, and your specific goals for wellness. A physical exam will be done, and appropriate tests will be ordered. We will also make sure you are up to date with all recommended health screenings.
For example, simple lesion removal and minor laceration repair are all included in your membership fee. If there is an extra charge for a service, you will know exactly what it is before proceeding.
If you require a consultant for specialty medical care, Dr. Corba will work closely with that specialist. Because Green Hills Direct Family Care is not affiliated with any other healthcare systems, the choice is ours to make together.